Carpenters Estate

dates: 2013 – 2014
partners and support: Carpenters Tenant Management Organisation, Carpenters Resident Steering Group, Locality(Neighbourhood Plan support)
collaborators: Andreas Lang, public works, Lucy Schoefield
series of projects: Info points, Carpenters Park, Greater Carpenters Neighbourhood Plan, Walk the Carpenters Estate, Carpenters SIGNS
funding and support: Comic Relief, Transform Pocket Park Funding (re-allocated due to decline of Landlord’s consent), Locality (planning support)

The Carpenters Estate is located adjacent to the Olympic Park and Stratford Station and is earmarked for large-scale regeneration. what if: projects have been appointed by the Carpenters TMO and are supporting the development of a Neighbourhood Forum, have successfully attracted funding for projects and have been developing initiatives such as improving green areas, creating information points across the estate and organising events.

The estate currently suffers from a lack of communication and collaboration with the local authorities who have been declining Landlord’s consent for all proposals.