
Add new POSTS
You can copy content of an existing post and paste it into the empty editing window of new post and amend as needed. Or follow these steps:

Add new post
Add a title to your post & tick Category on the right hand side of the editing window; these categories appear in Menu. All posts under one category show when selected from the website’s top menu.

Add new pages
Same process as posts, but Pages won’t appear on homepage and don’t have a ‘featuring image’.

Format content
Select Easy Columns tool from the toolbar on top of the text editing area and choose 1/3 2/3 column structure (2nd on the left). Place project ‘small info’ in between the column short codes, [ ezcol_1third ] and [ /ezcol_1third ]. Place rest of the event copy in between the second pair of short codes, [ ezcol_2third_end ] and [ /ezcol_2third_end ]. Continue the 2nd column directly where 1st ends, no line-break or soft-return, simply the [ ezcol_2third_end ] separating the entries.
If copy-pasting text, use Clear Formatting tool on the text after pasting (first one on the toolbar). Otherwise you don’t need to format text in any way. The default formatting is coded in the css stylesheet of the site files. Except:
For small text, the entry fields of small project info, use Font Sizes > 12pt from the toolbar. This is the only instance you need to adjust font size.
Use soft return (shift+return) to make a line-break without adding a line gap.
Bold titles and add links by selecting the link tool from the tool bar – tick box ‘open in new window’ if link is to an external URL, if to a page within your site, leave un-ticked.

what if: title
uses the following formatting on your name, whenever mentioned in text:

what if: projects ltd
what if: projects
what if

(all lowercase, bold)

Quoted text:
if using a quote in text, use quotation marks around the text instead of italicised text:

“Lorem ipsum…”

Adding images
Set a balck’n’white Featured Image for the post on the left side on the editing window (optional).
Follow the links to upload images to Media Library. There are plenty of bw vector-based icon images in the library now.
icons: you can use the same ‘featured image’ icon on posts which are related (Vacant Lot, project that also features in News, etc.)
Keep images 72dpi in resolution, under 1MB ideally (they can still show large on screen).
Insert an image to a post by clicking ‘Add Media’ on top of tool bar. Click link url to ‘none’ in the image editing window, or insert a URL if image is meant to link elsewhere on the site, or to another website.
Image links can be added once you’ve placed the image on the page and clicked the editing icons appearing on the corner of the image when clicked. Either link to a page on the site, or select None in the Link to -field.

Select a category for the post
In case you for got this step in the beginning: Tick the category box. Add a new category if needed, add this to the menu from Appearance > Menus on the left hand menu of the ‘dashboard’.

Remember to ‘update’
Click ‘Update’ before viewing changes or moving away from the editing window.

Creating link to PDF
1. upload the pdf to the Media library, copy the URL link of the file
2. go to the spot on the page where you wish to include the PDF link
3. highlight the text, press link tool and paste the URL into the field; that’s it!

More info on using WordPress.